Vatican News

If you are in organized crime, you are not a Christian, Pope says

Vatican City, Feb 21, 2015 / 02:46 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- You cannot call yourself a true believer if you participate in organized crime, Pope Francis told members of the Cassano all’Jonio diocese in Italy on Saturday.

No one, the Pope said Feb. 21, can “call themselves Christians and violate the dignity of the person; those who belong to the Christian community cannot program or carry out acts of violence against others and against the environment.”

Ukraine, poverty, G7 discussed by Pope, German chancellor

Vatican City, Feb 21, 2015 / 11:56 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The ongoing crisis in Ukraine was among the topics covered by Pope Francis and German Chancellor Angela Merkel in their Feb. 21 meeting at the Vatican.

Merkel helped to negotiate the latest cease-fire agreement between Ukrainian government forces and Pro-Russian separatists, hoping to ease a continuing conflict that has left more than 5,000 dead.

The Pope has repeatedly called for prayer and negotiations aimed at peace in the area.

Archbishop Romero had no interest in liberation theology, says secretary

Vatican City, Feb 21, 2015 / 06:53 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Although liberation theology proponents visited Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero and left him their books, he was never swayed by their ideas, says the late archbishop’s personal secretary.

In statements to CNA, Msgr. Jesus Delgado, former secretary of Archbishop Romero, said that the archbishop’s murder on March 24, 1980, “was in opposition to what he preached, which is what the Church asks of all: conversion to Jesus, a personal encounter with Jesus.”

VIP treatment for LGBT group at the Vatican? Not really.

Vatican City, Feb 19, 2015 / 05:19 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Vatican sources have cast doubt on reports of VIP treatment for New Ways Ministry, an American LGBT activist group that rejects Catholic teaching, at Pope Francis’ most recent general audience.

A source in the Prefecture for the Pontifical Household told CNA that “no requests are rejected” for the general audience seating in the so-called “reparto speciale,” which has a capacity of about 500 people.

Not endorsement, but understanding – Pope Francis and married priests

Vatican City, Feb 19, 2015 / 04:58 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- While addressing the priests of the Diocese of Rome on Thursday, Pope Francis also responded to a question about married priests, underscoring that the Church has great concern for priests who leave ministry to get married and later want to return, but that on the other hand he does not know if the Church can find a way for this to happen.

Pope Francis' daily challenge: Who will you follow – God or the world?

Rome, Italy, Feb 19, 2015 / 05:35 am (CNA/EWTN News).- In his homily Thursday Pope Francis said that every day we are faced with choices between good and evil, and stressed that God is always there to help us when the right decision is hard to make.

“The choice is between God and other gods who do not have the power to give us anything other than trivial, pithy little things that pass,” the Pope told Mass attendees Feb. 19.

Vatican Secretary of State urges 'quick response' to crisis in Libya

Vatican City, Feb 18, 2015 / 08:02 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- After a meeting with Italian officials on Tuesday, Cardinal Pietro Parolin told reporters that swift action is needed in Libya, where continual conflict since a 2011 revolution has resulted in rival governments and a foothold for Islamists.

Amid the chaos in the north African nation, Islamic State affiliates beheaded 21 Egyptian Christians over the weekend.

This Lent, ask God for the 'gift of tears,' Pope says

Vatican City, Feb 18, 2015 / 12:37 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- In his Ash Wednesday homily, Pope Francis said the time of Lent is a call to leave hypocrisy behind and reconcile with God through fasting, charity and prayerful tears before our merciful Father.

“I ask you a question: do I cry? Does the Pope cry? Do cardinals cry? Do bishops cry? Do consecrated men and women cry? Do priests cry?” the Pope said during his Feb. 18 Ash Wednesday Mass.

Pope Francis focused during the Mass on the idea of “weeping in prayer.”

Siblings help you keep your eyes off yourself, Pope says

Vatican City, Feb 18, 2015 / 12:57 am (CNA/EWTN News).- In this week’s general audience Pope Francis spoke on the role of siblings in family life, saying the fraternity we learn from them teaches us how to overcome barriers and leads to greater freedom.

“With Jesus, this bond of brotherhood expands to overcome any difference of nation, language, culture or religion,” the Pope told pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square Feb. 18.
