Vatican News

New statutes for economic reform are in effect at the Vatican

Vatican City, Mar 2, 2015 / 09:51 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Statutes of the Vatican Council for Economy, Secretariat for the Economy, and General Auditor went into effect March 1, having been signed Feb. 22 by Msgr. Bryan Wells, assessor of the Secretariat of State.

The text of the statutes have not been released by the Holy See Press Office, but can be seen in the Vatican's Courtyard of San Damaso, where they are displayed.

The solution to North African violence – dialogue and encounter, Pope says

Vatican City, Mar 2, 2015 / 05:33 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis on Monday encouraged the bishops from northern Africa to dialogue with and encounter other groups, fostering hope for good relations between Muslims and Christians in the region.

“Interreligious dialogue is an important part of the life of your Churches,” Pope Francis said March 2, addressing the bishops of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya during their ad limina visit to Rome.

Pope Francis explains why judging yourself is a Christian virtue

Vatican City, Mar 2, 2015 / 11:06 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The capacity of all men to commit the most despicable of sins should inspire the self-awareness necessary to accept God's mercy and move forward in the Christian life, Pope Francis said.

“We are all sinners,” the pontiff said in his Lenten homily at the Santa Marta residence chapel Mar. 2. He added that it is “a Christian virtue” to be able to judge oneself, according to Vatican Radio's translation.

Will there be an ecology department at the Roman Curia after reform?

Vatican City, Feb 28, 2015 / 06:08 am (CNA/EWTN News).- An upcoming presentation of a Vatican-sponsored Pan-Amazonia Network may shed light on how a possible curial office for human ecology would work, if curial reform is shaped as it was presented at the Feb. 12 consistory.

The Ecclesial Network of the Pan-Amazonia was established Sep. 9-12 in Brazil with the aim of fostering a new approach to climate, and will be presented in the Vatican March 2.

The Pope's Lent retreat: Bucking tradition or just being his Jesuit self?

Vatican City, Feb 27, 2015 / 04:24 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- While Pope Francis has altered the custom of his predecessors by leaving the Vatican for his yearly Lenten retreat, one priest tells CNA the pontiff is merely being true to his Jesuit roots.

“This is what Jesuits do,” said Fr. Joseph Carola, S.J.,  theology professor at Rome's Gregorian University in a Feb. 26 interview.

Willy's Story - the homeless man buried in the Vatican

Vatican City, Feb 27, 2015 / 03:08 pm (CNA).- Willy Herteleer, a homeless man who lived on the side streets outside St. Peter’s Basilica, made headlines after his death, when he received a special burial in the Vatican’s Teutonic Cemetery. The following is an account of his story as told by Msgr. Amerigo Ciani, a canon of St. Peter’s Basilica and painter who had become friends with Willy.


Everyone in the neighborhood outside the Vatican knew Willy Herteleer.

Pope Francis back from Ariccia with new seeds planted

Rome, Italy, Feb 27, 2015 / 06:15 am (CNA/EWTN News).- After a weeklong spiritual retreat outside of Rome, Pope Francis expressed his gratitude to the priest who led the reflections, saying that although it’s not always easy to preach to priests, seeds have been planted.

“On behalf of all of us, I too would like to thank the father for his work among us during the spiritual exercises,” Francis said after his return to Rome Feb. 27.
