Vatican News

Pope Francis marks World War I centenary with message of peace

Vatican City, Nov 11, 2018 / 05:22 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The bells of St. Peter’s Basilica rang out in unison with thousands of other church bells around the world Sunday as Pope Francis commemorated the 100 year anniversary of the end of World War I.

“While we pray for all the victims of that terrible tragedy, let us say forcefully: invest in peace, not on war!” Pope Francis said at the end of his Angelus address Nov. 11.

Pope Francis warns Catholic journalists against pessimism

Vatican City, Nov 9, 2018 / 10:18 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Catholic journalists should be guided not by despair and negativity, but by a commitment to sharing the beauty of the human person, Pope Francis told a group of media students Friday.

How easy it is “to be carried away by common opinion, by defeatism and by a pessimism that paralyzes and blinds!” the pope said Nov. 9.

Francis makes appointments to Roman Rota, Vatican Court of Appeal

Vatican City, Nov 8, 2018 / 05:01 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis appointed Thursday two lay lawyers to tribunals of the Holy See and Vatican City.

On Nov. 8 Enrico Ferrannini was appointed substitute promoter of justice for the Vatican Court of Appeal, and Maria Fratangelo was named defender of the bond of the Roman Rota.

Fratangelo is likely the first woman to hold the position of defender of the bond of the Roman Rota.

Wisconsin native and Guatemalan martyr: Br. James Miller to be beatified

Vatican City, Nov 8, 2018 / 10:00 am (CNA).- Pope Francis Thursday approved the beatification of American Br. James Miller, who was martyred in 1982 in Guatemala.

The declarations were made following a meeting Nov. 7 with Cardinal Angelo Becciu, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints. Pope Francis gave his approval for Miller’s beatification, declaring he was killed “in hatred of the faith,” and advancing 23 other causes for canonization.

Pope says entrepreneurship needed in face of 'scandalous poverty'

Vatican City, Nov 7, 2018 / 04:47 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis spoke of the need for creative entrepreneurship in the face of “scandalous poverty” Wednesday, stressing the importance of generosity with one’s possessions.

“If there is hunger on earth, it is not because food is missing!” Pope Francis said in St. Peter’s Square Nov. 7.

Will Pope Francis have an impact on Orthodoxy’s Ukraine dispute?

Vatican City, Nov 6, 2018 / 07:00 pm (CNA).- The Russian Orthodox Church announced that it has withdrawn from a Vatican sponsored Commission for Catholic – Orthodox Theological Dialogue, in response to a dispute between Orthodox patriarchs in Moscow and Constantinople.

The decision was announced in a statement released after an Oct. 19 meeting between Pope Francis and Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolansk, head of the Department for the External Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Pope Francis: 'A Christian cannot be an anti-Semite'

Vatican City, Nov 5, 2018 / 06:48 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis strongly condemned anti-Semitism, recalling the living memory of the Holocaust in Europe, during a meeting with rabbis at the Vatican Monday.

“As I have often repeated, a Christian cannot be an anti-Semite; we share the same roots,” Pope Francis told a delegation from the World Congress of Mountain Jews Nov. 5.

Pope Francis offers Mass for souls of 163 deceased cardinals, bishops

Vatican City, Nov 3, 2018 / 07:00 am (CNA/EWTN News).- In a Mass offered for the repose of the souls of bishops and cardinals who died this year, Pope Francis prayed for “the intercession of all those who lived unassuming lives, content to prepare daily to meet the Lord.”

“The secret to life is to live to serve,” Pope Francis said in St. Peter’s Basilica Nov. 3.
