Your job is to give voice to the suffering, Pope tells new ambassadors

Vatican City, May 19, 2016 / 07:40 am (CNA/EWTN News).- As six new ambassadors to the Holy See presented Pope Francis with their credentials, the pontiff stressed that as representatives of their people, they must be the voice of those suffering tragedies such as violence and forced migration.

“For those suffering the tragedy of violence and forced migration, we must be resolute in making their plight known to the world community,” the Pope told a group of six new ambassadors to the Holy See, who presented him with their credentials May 19.

He said that as diplomats, their efforts to advocate on behalf of those forced to leave their homes involuntarily is essential, so that “as they lack the strength or ability to cry out, their voice may be heard in our own.”

The path of diplomacy helps to both “amplify and convey this cry” by pursuing effective solutions to the complex, underlying causes of the modern conflicts, he said.

In particular, this applies to “our efforts to remove weapons from those perpetrating violence, and to end the scourge of human trafficking and the drug trade which often support this evil.”

Pope Francis met with the new ambassadors inside the Sala Clementina of the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace. Present alongside their families, they represent the countries of the Seychelles, Thailand, Estonia, Malawi, Zambia and Namibia.

Just under two weeks ago the Pope outlined his “dream” for a renewed Europe based on fresh ideas and a revamped economy that promotes integration and respect for basic human rights and dignity, particularly for incoming migrants.

The majority of the new ambassadors who presented their credentials today come African nations – where a large number of Europe’s migrant influx comes from – and so represent the other side of issue.

In his speech to them, Francis told the diplomats that their presence serves as a reminder that while their nationalities, cultures and religions might differ, “we are united by our common humanity and a shared mission to care for society and creation.”

With so many throughout the world suffering due to problems such as war, conflict, displacement, forced migration and the uncertainties brought on by economic hardship, a united service to humanity is increasingly necessary, he said.

The Pope stressed that problems won’t be solved by discussion alone, but by “concrete signs of solidarity” with those most in need.

However, for this solidarity to be effective, he said global efforts must be directed to pursuing a peace in which “each individual’s natural rights and integral human development are nurtured and guaranteed.”

Francis said the task of obtaining such a peace requires a coordinated effort encouraging members of local communities to become “artisans of peace” at home, and to promote social justice and respect for creation.

But in an increasingly “fragmented and indifferent” world in which people choose to “isolate themselves from harsh realities” they’d rather not face, this task is becoming more and more difficult, he said.

Many people are “afraid of terrorism and of a growing influx of migrants fundamentally changing their culture, economic stability and way of life,” the Pope said, explaining that these are understandable concerns which one can’t “dismiss lightly.”

However, although the fears have a rational foundation, “they must be addressed in an intelligent and creative way, so that the rights and needs of all are respected and upheld.”

Efforts toward peace ought to first help people to stay in their homelands, he said, but noted that the present migration crisis requires incoming peoples to be helped and cared for.

“We must not allow misunderstanding and fear to weaken our resolve. Rather, we are called to build a culture of dialogue,” the Pope said, explaining that by doing so, a full integration can be reached that both preserves the culture of the host country, and respects the traditions of incoming migrants.

“This is essential,” Francis said, adding that if a mentality of misunderstanding and fear prevails, “something of ourselves dies, our cultures, history and traditions are weakened, and our own peace is compromised.”

But if we are able to foster dialogue and solidarity at both the individual and collective level, “it is then that we experience the best of humanity and secure an enduring peace for all, as intended by our Creator.”

Pope Francis closed his speech by sending a personal greeting to the pastors and faithful of each country represented, encouraging them to be heralds of both hope and peace in their communities.

He referred specifically to Christian and other minority communities who suffer persecution for their beliefs, assuring them of his “prayerful support and solidarity.”