Vatican News

'Is anyone surprised?' A Vatican response to the FIFA soccer scandal

Vatican City, Jun 2, 2015 / 04:40 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Amid the new soccer corruption scandal that has rocked the sports world, a Vatican official has called for different sectors of society to unite in encouraging sports that contribute authentically to bettering humanity.

“Is anyone surprised by this news?” asked Monsignor Melchor Sanchez de Toca, undersecretary of the Pontifical Council for Culture and director of the council’s Culture and Sport Division.

Financial transparency serves the Church's mission, says Vatican official

Vatican City, Jun 2, 2015 / 06:01 am (CNA/EWTN News).- In an exclusive interview with CNA, the director of the Vatican's financial watchdog stressed that the Holy See has pursued the goal of adopting international standards for financial transparency in accord with the Church's mission, and not to merely seek adherence to international standards.

A history of little miracles – behind Pope Francis' devotion to St. Therese

Vatican City, Jun 2, 2015 / 04:02 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis on several occasions has spoken of his strong devotion to the Little Flower saint as well as his habit of asking her for favors: favors, his former press secretary says, which have often come in the form little miracles.

One of those miracles came Aug. 7, 2010, when the then-cardinal Bergoglio was accompanied by his press secretary, Federico Wals, to celebrate Mass honoring St. Cajetan on his feast day.

Cardinal Pell's spokesperson slams 'outrageous' 60 Minutes coverage

Vatican City, Jun 1, 2015 / 04:06 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- A television broadcast revisiting charges that Australian Cardinal George Pell mishandled abuse claims was “false and misleading” and “outrageous” in its coverage, a spokesperson for the cardinal said Sunday.

“From his earliest actions as an archbishop, Cardinal Pell has taken a strong stand against child sexual abuse and put in place processes to enable complaints to be brought forward and independently investigated,” the cardinal’s spokesperson said May 31.

On feast of the Holy Trinity, Church celebrates 'love of the living God'

Vatican City, May 31, 2015 / 12:52 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- In the revelation of the Holy Trinity, God shows the Church his selfless love and unity that we are called to foster in our own communities, Pope Francis said in his Sunday Angelus address.

“The Trinity is a communion of divine persons who are one with the other, one for the other, one in the other: this communion is the life of God, the mystery of the love of the living God,” the Pope said in his May 31 address.

Pope's environmental encyclical to be titled 'Laudato Sii' (Praised Be You)

Vatican City, May 31, 2015 / 07:11 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Taken from St. Francis of Assisi’s “Canticle of the Sun” prayer praising God for creation, the likely name of the Pope’s upcoming encyclical was informally announced just weeks before its anticipated publication.

Fr. Giuseppe Costa, director of the Vatican Publishing House, reportedly announced the encyclical’s title during the delivery of the Cardinal Michele Giordano prize Saturday afternoon, May 30, in Naples.

The Vatican's arduous task of communicating in the modern age

Vatican City, May 30, 2015 / 04:02 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- What needs to change in the Vatican's communications department to make it worthy of Pope Francis? How are the problems of understaffed and overwhelmed office going to be fixed? What does excellence in communicating look like in 2015 for an institution that's 2,000 year-old?

These and other questions were recently tackled by the committee tasked with Vatican media reforms – a hopeful project, but one that's destined for a long road ahead.

Pope to sick children: Don’t be afraid to ask God 'Why?'

Vatican City, May 30, 2015 / 12:16 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- “Why do children suffer?” Pope Francis asked this of a group of children with serious illnesses or disabilities and their parents, some of whom had been told to abort their babies because of their condition.

The Holy Father answered with a question he might ask God while gazing at the Cross: “Why is Your Son there?”

“It is the mystery of the Cross,” he said.
