Vatican News

Pope Francis meets with Argentina’s president, and sends a present home

Vatican City, Jun 8, 2015 / 10:45 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis on Sunday met with Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, the president of his native country. She assured the Roman Pontiff of the affection and closeness of his fellow Argentines and asked for his blessing on their behalf.

The Pope met in private with Argentina’s president for 90 minutes in the Pope’s study at Vatican City’s Paul VI Hall, during which time they exchanged gifts.

The Eucharist teaches us to care for the weakest of society, Pope Francis says

Vatican City, Jun 7, 2015 / 08:29 am (CNA/EWTN News).- In his Angelus address on Sunday, Pope Francis focused on the recent feast of Corpus Christi, saying the Eucharist is a “school of solidarity and charity,” which inspires us to care for the most vulnerable.

This feast, the Roman Pontiff said June 7 at St. Peter's Square in the Vatican, “evokes this message of solidarity, and pushes us to welcome the intimate invitation to conversion and to service, to love and to forgiveness.”

Pope Francis on Medjugorje: it's almost decision time

Vatican City, Jun 6, 2015 / 04:44 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- When asked by a Bosnian journalist about the status of his decision on the Marian apparitions in Medjugorje on his flight from Sarajevo to Rome, Pope Francis said that after a lengthy study, a decision could be coming soon.

“We’re at this point of making decisions … and then they will be announced,” the Pope told journalists on board his June 6 flight from Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina to Rome.

Pope talks Medjugorje, coming encyclical on return from Bosnia

Vatican City, Jun 6, 2015 / 03:42 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- On his return flight from Sarajevo to Rome Pope Francis told journalists a final decision on the highly debated Mejugorje apparitions could be close, and disclosed the “cancer” of consumerism as a theme in his coming encyclical on human ecology.

Read CNA’s full English translation of the Pope’s inflight news conference below:

War is the mother of poverty, Pope Francis says

Vatican City, Jun 3, 2015 / 03:30 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- In his weekly general audience, Pope Francis lamented the suffering inflicted on families already struggling from poverty in countries torn by the “great predator” of war.

“Truly, war is the 'mother of all poverty,' the pontiff said Wednesday, addressing the crowds in Saint Peter’s Square.

“War impoverishes the family,” he said. It is “a great predator of lives, of souls, and of the most sacred and precious loved ones.”

Pope Francis wants Vatican liturgy chief to continue the work of Benedict XVI

Vatican City, Jun 3, 2015 / 01:33 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Cardinal Robert Sarah, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship, revealed in a letter sent to a liturgical conference this week that when he was appointed to his post, Pope Francis indicated a desire to continue the liturgical work done by his predecessor as Bishop of Rome.

Pope offers prayers for victims of China's ferry disaster

Vatican City, Jun 3, 2015 / 10:32 am (CNA).- Pope Francis on Wednesday expressed his condolences to the people of China following a ferry capsizing earlier this week which claimed the lives of hundreds of people.

“I wish to express my closeness to the Chinese people in these difficult moments after the ferry disaster in the Yangtze River,” the pontiff said Jun. 3 during his weekly general audience.

“I pray for the victims, their families and for all involved in the rescue efforts.”
