Vatican News

Pope gives flowers received in Albania to Blessed Mother

Vatican City, Sep 22, 2014 / 07:30 am (CNA/EWTN News).- In thanksgiving to the Blessed Mother for the success of his short but eventful trip to Albania, Pope Francis paid a visit on Monday morning to the Basilica of Saint Mary Major.

Vatican spokesman Father  Federico Lombardi said the Pope spent time before the icon of Our Lady salus populi Romani – Protectress of the Roman people – and left the bouquet of flowers he had received Sunday during his meeting at the Betania Home for the disabled in Tirana, Albania.

Vatican announces commission to streamline marriage process

Vatican City, Sep 21, 2014 / 12:09 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis will establish a commission to review the matrimonial process in canon law with the goal of simplifying the procedure while maintaining the indissolubility of marriage, the Holy See Press Office announced Saturday.

According to Vatican Radio, the decision was made on Aug. 2 of this year and the commission will be chaired by Monsignor Pio Vito Pinto, dean of the Roman Rota.

Pope Francis taps Blase Cupich to lead Chicago archdiocese

Vatican City, Sep 20, 2014 / 05:09 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis has appointed Spokane, Wash. Bishop Blase Cupich as the new shepherd of the Archdiocese of Chicago, replacing retiring Cardinal Francis George.

The 65-year-old prelate was named Chicago's new archbishop on Sept. 20.

He sits on numerous committees at the U.S. bishop's conference including the Subcommittee on the Church in Central and Eastern Europe.

Vatican sources deny that Pope is upset over cardinals' marriage book

Vatican City, Sep 19, 2014 / 05:01 pm (CNA).- Catholic Church sources have dismissed rumors that Pope Francis is annoyed by an Ignatius Press book critical of Cardinal Walter Kasper’s position on Holy Communion for the divorced and remarried.

The French Catholic newspaper La Croix said Sept. 17 that “a senior source close to the Argentine Pope” claimed that Pope Francis would be “annoyed by the publication of this collective work.”

Bodily resurrection is key to Christian identity, Pope reminds

Vatican City, Sep 19, 2014 / 03:37 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Bodily resurrection is a reality which is the seal of our identity as Christians, Pope Francis said in his Friday morning homily at Santa Marta.

Pointing to the people of Corinth, whom St. Paul spoke to in the readings during Mass, the Pope noted the Corinthians have similar problems as Christians today have when it comes to grasping the resurrection of human bodies.

Curia reform advances as cardinals, minors protection group meet

Vatican City, Sep 18, 2014 / 04:09 am (CNA/EWTN News).- As Pope Francis' council of cardinals for curia reform gather this week in Rome, the newly-created Pontifical Commission for Protection for minors will soon meet to finish creating its statutes.

Father Federico Lombardi, director of the Vatican's press office, announced in a briefing with journalists Sep. 17 that the commission will hold its next meeting Oct. 4-5.

Pope Francis uses fast-track move to canonize first Sri Lankan

Vatican City, Sep 17, 2014 / 09:54 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Blessed Joseph Vaz will soon become Sri Lanka's first saint after Pope Francis Sept. 17 advanced his cause for canonization by waiving the requirement for a second miracle.

The canonization of the 16th century cleric is expected to take place during the Holy Father's visit to Sri Lanka in January, 2015.
