Vatican News

Former nuncio awaiting Vatican trial died of natural causes, autopsy says

Vatican City, Aug 29, 2015 / 10:48 am (Aid to the Church in Need).- Initial autopsy findings indicate that disgraced former apostolic nuncio Jozef Wesolowski died of natural causes from a “cardiac event,” the Vatican announced Saturday.

The laicized archbishop was awaiting trial by the Vatican court for possessing child pornography and sexual abuse of minors when he died late Thursday evening at the age of 67.

Former nuncio Wesolowski, facing sex abuse trial, dies

Vatican City, Aug 28, 2015 / 09:10 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Jozef Wesolowski, the laicized, former apostolic nuncio to the Dominican Republic who faced criminal charges in Vatican City of possession of child pornography and pedophilic acts died on Friday at the age of 67.

The Holy See press office announced Aug. 28 that Wesolowski was found dead in his room at the Vatican's Collegio dei Penitenzieri in front of a TV, which was turned on, at about 5 am by a Franciscan religious.

'Teach your children how to pray!' Pope tells parents

Vatican City, Aug 26, 2015 / 09:27 am (CNA/EWTN News).- On Wednesday, Pope Francis continued his weekly catechesis on the family, saying that parents have the responsibility to teach their children to pray.

Delivering his address to pilgrims and visitors, gathered under the hot sun for the weekly general audience in St. Peter's Square, the pontiff stressed the importance of teaching children how to show love for God through prayer.

Are Vatican officials involved in the Ashley Madison leak? Nope.

Vatican City, Aug 25, 2015 / 04:50 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Early this week, a leak of personal data from millions of users of Ashley Madison, a website designed to arrange extramarital affairs, wreaked havoc on and off the internet.

At least two suicides have been reported in conjunction with the hack, and a series of privacy lawsuits are in the works, not to mention the rocked or devastated marriages.

Pope: When Jesus' words are hard to hear, you need faith to stay

Vatican City, Aug 23, 2015 / 10:21 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Those who turn away from the “uncomfortable” teaching on Jesus being the Bread of Life, Pope Francis said during his weekly Sunday Angelus address, do so not because of a lack of understanding, but a lack of faith.

“The true cause of misunderstanding (Jesus') words is a lack of faith,” the pontiff stressed, speaking ahead of the Angelus from the papal palace to the crowds in St. Peter's Square.

Pope calls for peace in Ukraine ahead of Independence Day

Vatican City, Aug 23, 2015 / 07:57 am (CNA/EWTN News).- On Sunday the Holy Father again pleaded for peace in Ukraine as the nation faces ongoing cease-fire violations in a conflict that has claimed thousands of lives since early last year.

“With concern, I am following the conflict in eastern Ukraine, which has again worsened in recent weeks,” the pontiff said Aug. 23 during his weekly Angelus address.

Eleven cardinals join forces to tackle marriage prep, family issues in pre-synod book

Vatican City, Aug 20, 2015 / 04:29 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- With the Synod of Bishops rapidly approaching, 11 cardinals have contributed to a small but important book offering a pastoral perspective of the issues at stake, while reaffirming the truth of the Gospel on family and marriage issues.

The book is titled “Eleven cardinals speak on marriage and family,” and will be published in English by Ignatius Press. An Italian edition will also be published.
