Vatican News

Pope Francis cites the core of evangelization: a heart on fire for God

Vatican City, Sep 19, 2015 / 06:01 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis exhorted consecrated religious on Thursday to take part in an evangelization which “burns in the heart,” cautioning against gossip and narcissism as prominent dangers of consecrated life.

The Pope explained: “to evangelize is not only to convince, it's to give witness that Jesus Christ is alive. And how do I give you this witness? With your flesh, with your life.”

Vatican parish welcomes first refugee family following Pope's appeal

Vatican City, Sep 18, 2015 / 11:57 am (CNA/EWTN News).- A family of four has been welcomed by the community of the Vatican's St. Anne parish after Pope Francis' made an appeal earlier this month for every church in Europe open their doors to refugees.

Papal Almoner Bishop Konrad Krajewski issued a Sept. 18 statement that the family – a father, mother and two children – have already been received.

No one can play dumb on what's happening in the Middle East, Pope says

Vatican City, Sep 18, 2015 / 06:02 am (CNA/EWTN News).- While the international community can't seem to find solutions to the current crisis ravaging the Middle East, thanks to the media it's caught the world's attention and can't be ignored, Pope Francis said.

He referred to the “overwhelming human tragedies” taking place in Iraq and Syria as a result of ongoing conflicts, which have caused millions to flee their homes.

Pope Francis will arrive to Cuba as a 'missionary of mercy'

Vatican City, Sep 18, 2015 / 04:13 am (CNA/EWTN News).- On the eve of his arrival to Cuba Pope Francis sent a video message to the small island nation, expressing his desire to be a witness of God’s mercy in the country, and to encourage locals to do the same.

“I want to be among you as a missionary of mercy, of the tenderness of God, but allow me also to encourage you to be missionaries of this infinite love of God,” the Pope said in his message.

Street women, kids aren't price tags – they're people, Pope says

Vatican City, Sep 17, 2015 / 07:14 am (CNA/EWTN News).- On Thursday Pope Francis said that abandoned children and exploited sex workers forced to live on the street are a “shameful reality” in modern society, and encouraged efforts to find more concrete ways to help them.

“(These) sad realities…are the result of indifference, poverty, family and social violence, and human trafficking,” the Pope said Sept. 17.

We want solutions, not guns – a Syrian bishop speaks out

Vatican City, Sep 16, 2015 / 03:03 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Outside entities who drive the Syrian war – either through the selling of arms or their own political and strategic interests – must stop, and the country should look inside itself to resolve the conflict.

These are the words of the Chaldean Bishop of Aleppo, Antoine Audo, who has watched the destruction of his country through fighting between its government and various rebel factions over the last four years.

Francis' Council of Cardinals proposes a new congregation for the Roman Curia

Vatican City, Sep 16, 2015 / 11:52 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The Council of Cardinals finally submitted to Pope Francis on Wednesday a proposal to establish a new congregation for laity, family, and life in the Roman Curia, after widespread discussion and anticipation.

The council of nine cardinals, who are advising the Pope on reform of the Roman Curia, met at the Vatican Sept. 14-16.

Women protect humanity against evil, Pope Francis says

Vatican City, Sep 16, 2015 / 11:19 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Women have a special God-given role in protecting each generation against the evils of its time, Pope Francis said in characteristically off-the-cuff remarks during his weekly Wednesday general audience.

Reflecting on Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis, Pope Francis noted that this first man and woman failed at protecting the creation that had been entrusted to them by God, resulting in the inheritance of original sin for all of mankind.
