Vatican News

Human freedom is a gift from God, Pope Francis says

Vatican City, Nov 22, 2018 / 11:05 am (CNA/EWTN News).- To be able to take “risks” in helping others is a gift of the freedom received from God the Father and revealed through Jesus Christ, Pope Francis said in a video message Thursday.


“Human freedom discovers itself to the fullest when it understands that it is generated and sustained by the loving freedom of the Father, revealed in the Son in the face of Mercy. Under his compassionate gaze, every man can always resume the path of the ‘risk of freedom.’”

Follow Mary's 'yes,' pope says ahead of World Youth Day

Vatican City, Nov 21, 2018 / 11:31 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Serving others first requires listening to God in prayer, so that one can give the same ‘yes’ to God’s will that Mary gave, Pope Francis said in a message for World Youth Day 2019.

“To be at the service of others does not only mean to be ready for action. It means also to be in conversation with God with an attitude of listening, just like Mary,” the pope said in a video message Nov. 20.

Pope Francis: God alone can heal the wounds of sin

Vatican City, Nov 21, 2018 / 03:13 am (CNA/EWTN News).- People need the mercy of God and the healing of the Holy Spirit to root out the sin in their lives – they cannot do it on their own, Pope Francis said at the general audience Wednesday.

“It is useless to think of being able to correct oneself without the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is futile to think of purifying our heart in a titanic effort of only our will. This is not possible,” he said Nov. 21.

Pope Francis will travel to Romania in 2019

Vatican City, Nov 20, 2018 / 07:00 pm (CNA).- Pope Francis will visit Romania in 2019, according to Archbishop Ioan Robu of Bucharest, president of the Romanian bishops’ conference.
Archbishop Robu met the pope Nov. 9, together with the bishops of Romania gathered in Rome for their ad limina visit.
“The meeting with the pope was long because each of us had the opportunity to talk,” Robu told CNA.

Russian icons, spiritual masterpieces on display at Vatican

Vatican City, Nov 20, 2018 / 10:05 am (CNA).- “Art, spirituality, beauty,” are the three words Vatican Museums director Barbara Jatta used to describe a visiting exhibition of 54 Russian icons and masterpieces, which opened at the Vatican Tuesday.

The exhibit, which has no cost to visit, is called a “Pilgrimage of Russian Art: From Dionysius to Malevich” and will be on display in the Vatican’s Braccio di Carlo Magno Museum, the entrance to which is in St. Peter’s Square, until Feb. 16, 2019.

Invite Jesus into the storms of life, Pope Francis says

Vatican City, Nov 18, 2018 / 05:19 am (CNA/EWTN News).- During a difficult time, it can be easy to see only the immediate problem; but asking Jesus to be the guide is the key to weathering the storm, Pope Francis said Sunday at a Mass with 6,000 poor and volunteers.

“The boat of our life is often storm-tossed and buffeted by winds. Even when the waters are calm, they quickly grow agitated. When we are caught up in those storms, they seem to be our only problem,” the pope said Nov. 18.

Artists begin work on Vatican Christmas nativity – out of sand

Vatican City, Nov 17, 2018 / 04:25 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The Vatican’s nativity scene will be a little bit different this year. In a departure from the traditional Neapolitan or Maltese figures of recent years, the scene of Christ’s birth will be entirely sculpted from sand.

Beginning Nov. 17, four artists are beginning their work in St. Peter’s Square, crafting nearly 46,000 cubic feet of sand, equal to around 700 tons, into a grand “Sand Nativity.”

Cupich and Wuerl collaborated on alternative sex abuse proposal

Washington D.C., Nov 16, 2018 / 06:56 pm (CNA).- Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago and Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington collaborated extensively on a recently proposed policy for handling abuse allegations against bishops, CNA has learned.

Cupich submitted the plan Tuesday to leaders of the U.S. bishops’ conference, proffering it as an alternative to a proposal that had been devised by conference officials and staffers.

Italy should get back taxes from Vatican, court rules

Rome, Italy, Nov 16, 2018 / 06:27 pm (CNA).- Catholic leaders are open to discussing with the Italian government a court ruling saying Italy has the right to recover millions of dollars from the Church from a previous tax exemption.

According to DW, an exemption was established in the beginning of 2012, which allowed for non-commercial Church properties to be exempt from paying an Italian municipal tax – the IMU.
