Vatican News

Cardinal shines light on migration, marriage prep in family synod

Vatican City, Oct 10, 2014 / 04:32 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The effects of migration and poverty upon families, the pastoral care of children, the Eucharist in connection to our understanding of marriage: these are a few of the themes which Cardinal Vincent Nichols, archbishop of Westminster, hopes to see raised during the Synod on the Family currently underway in the Vatican.

Backing 'Humanae vitae' – a goal for the Synod of Bishops

Vatican City, Oct 9, 2014 / 12:03 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- With Paul VI due to be beatified at the end of the Synod on the Family, his teaching on the regulation of birth in Humanae vitae has been re-launched by the synod fathers, presenting the teachings in a positive way.

Paul VI issued his final encyclical in 1968, after a commission of theologians and experts spent four years meeting to study in-depth whether the Church could be oen to the contraceptive pill other articifical forms of birth control.

Six miles from ISIS: A shockingly brave priest returns to Iraq

Vatican City, Oct 9, 2014 / 04:02 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Father Ghazwan Yousif Baho had the option to stay in Italy when he recently accompanied an elderly Iraqi couple to an audience with Pope Francis.

But he has decided to go back because he can't leave his people.

“One of them told me, 'Father, I saw you always from afar, but this week I found out who you are, and it has given me so much strength (to know) that you are a priest in the middle of your people,'” he told CNA Oct. 4.

As violence ravages homeland, Nigerian bishop hopes in synod

Vatican City, Oct 8, 2014 / 04:46 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama of Jos, Nigeria, has high hopes for the outcome of the current bishops’ synod, noting the contributions of the African Church despite extreme violence and other local struggles.

“There is great hope, the mood is good and I think there is a lot to be achieved,” Archbishop Kaigama told CNA at the Vatican Oct. 7.

Pope Francis stresses again: Divisions in Church hurt Jesus

Vatican City, Oct 8, 2014 / 09:01 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Speaking to the crowds that filled Saint Peter's Square during the weekly General Audience on Oct. 8, Pope Francis repeated his consistent theme of warning against divisiveness among Christians.

In his address, which coincided with day three of the bishops' synod on the family, he said that these divisions “in addition to injuring the Church, hurt Christ himself, who, before he died, strongly called upon the Father for the unity of all his disciples.”

Pope's concern for Christians in Middle East emerges at family synod

Vatican City, Oct 7, 2014 / 10:32 am (CNA/EWTN News).- In an unexpected move, Pope Francis added to the schedule of the upcoming consistory for the causes of saints a discussion on the situation of Christians in the Middle East, the Holy See spokesman announced Tuesday.

The consistory is to be held at the Vatican on Oct. 20, the day after the conclusion of the extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the Family, which began Oct. 5.

How should the Church care for same-sex attracted people?

Vatican City, Oct 7, 2014 / 04:08 am (CNA/EWTN News).- In what ways can the Church provide pastoral care for men and women of same-sex attraction that is compassionate and affirming in the faith – all the while remaining true to its teachings?

At the opening of the Synod on the Family, participants were reminded that the Church's pastoral approach towards persons with same-sex attraction is an issue worthy of attention.
