Vatican News

Holy Spirit gives the seal of eternal life, Pope Francis reflects

Vatican City, Oct 17, 2014 / 12:55 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- In his Mass on Friday, Pope Francis said eternal life begins when we are sealed with the Holy Spirit, and cautioned attendees against “dulling down” this identity by being hypocritical in our faith.

“The Holy Spirit has sealed our hearts, and more, walks with us … this Spirit does not only give us identity, but it is also a down-payment of our inheritance. With him heaven begins.” the Pope said during his homily at Mass on Oct. 17.

Amid criticism, Cardinal Marx supports synod's midterm report

Vatican City, Oct 17, 2014 / 11:22 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Even though the Synod on the Family's midterm relatio was widely criticized by the bishops' small groups, Cardinal Reinhard Marx affirmed it only needs to be balanced, while speaking at Friday's synod press briefing.

The Archbishop of Munich and Freising also noted the importance of the document's openings regarding the Church's praxis toward homosexual persons and the divorced and remarried.

African cardinal: Pressure groups behind push to change Church teaching

Vatican City, Oct 16, 2014 / 04:21 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Innacurate media reports about Church teaching on homosexuality published after the synod's midterm relatio are an attempt to pressure the Church to change its perennial teaching, a cardinal who is also a synod father has affirmed.

Cardinal Robert Sarah, president of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, emphasized to CNA Oct. 16 that “what has been published by the media about homosexual unions is an attempt to push the Church (to change) her doctrine.”

Cardinal Kasper denies statement against African bishops, journalist insists

Vatican City, Oct 16, 2014 / 03:34 pm (CNA).- The president emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, Cardinal Walter Kasper, denied on Thursday afternoon that he made any statements against African bishops, but audio to that effect was soon produced.

On Wednesday, Zenit had run an article by Edward Pentin which included an interview with the cardinal in which he had said that Catholics in Africa “should not tell us too much what we have to do.”

Synod's small group reports released by Vatican

Vatican City, Oct 16, 2014 / 02:28 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- After the synod’s small groups released their reports Thursday asking for a substantial rewriting of the meeting's mid-term report, the Vatican has said the synod's final report will be prepared, and voted upon on Saturday morning.

Fr. Federico Lombardi, director of the Holy See press office, added that it is unlikely the synod's final relatio will be released Saturday evening.

Pope Francis: our names are in the heart and bowels of God

Vatican City, Oct 16, 2014 / 04:07 am (CNA/EWTN News).- In his mass on Thursday Pope Francis encouraged attendees to pray to God by praising him, saying that remembering the good he has done, particularly how he created us in love, helps us to know how.

“Prayers of praise bring us this joy, (the joy of) being happy before the Lord. Let’s make a real effort to rediscover this!” the Pope said in his Oct. 16 homily.

Synod’s indicator swings toward a rewrite of midterm relatio

Vatican City, Oct 15, 2014 / 01:35 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- As the synod fathers' small groups continue to meet, it seems increasingly clear that the Synod of Bishops' concluding document, the 'relatio synodi', will be substantially different than the midterm relatio which was released Monday.

The relatio synodi is called to mirror the concerns and proposals raised during the small group discussions this week, in which bishops have been grouped according to language.
