Vatican News

Pope Francis prays for peace and justice in Nigeria

Vatican City, Oct 25, 2020 / 07:00 am (CNA).- Pope Francis appealed for an end to violence in Nigeria after reciting the Angelus Sunday.

Speaking from a window overlooking St. Peter’s Square Oct. 25, the pope said he prayed that peace would be restored “through the promotion of justice and the common good.” 

He said: “I follow with particular concern the news coming from Nigeria about the recent violent clashes between law enforcement agencies and some young protesters.” 

Pope Francis to create 13 new cardinals, including Washington Archbishop Gregory

Vatican City, Oct 25, 2020 / 06:00 am (CNA).- Pope Francis said Sunday that he will create 13 new cardinals, including Washington Archbishop Wilton Gregory, at a consistory on Nov. 28, the vigil of the First Sunday of Advent.

The pope announced his intention to add to the College of Cardinals from a window overlooking St. Peter’s Square, after leading the Angelus Oct. 25.

Analysis: How the Washington Post is opening the path to use the pope against the Catholic Church

Denver Newsroom, Oct 23, 2020 / 11:05 pm (CNA).-  

Amid an international fracas over Pope Francis’ words on civil unions in a newly released documentary, the pope’s remarks have begun to be used to criticize Catholic organizations facing ongoing religious liberty challenges in the U.S. – despite the pope’s very public alignment with these organizations on the issues of same sex marriages and adoptions.

Mexican broadcaster: Vatican held back Pope Francis' words on same-sex civil unions in 2019 interview footage

Vatican City, Oct 23, 2020 / 08:50 am (CNA).-  

A Mexican broadcaster said Thursday that the Vatican held back footage from a 2019 interview that it conducted with Pope Francis, in which the pope called for the passage of civil union laws for same-sex couples. That footage appears in a documentary on Pope Francis released this week, but the Vatican has not yet explained the situation.
