Vatican News

Pope Francis' answer to 'What is faith?'

Vatican City, Jun 28, 2015 / 08:59 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The Pope focused on the virtue of faith during his Sunday Angelus address, saying the whole gospel is written in its light.

“Faith is this: to touch Jesus and to draw from him the grace which saves,” Pope Francis explained June 28 at St. Peter's Square, reflecting on the healing of a haemorrhaging woman in the day's Gospel reading. She believed that if she could but touch Christ's clothes, she would be healed.

Pope Francis creates new secretariat overseeing all Vatican communications

Vatican City, Jun 27, 2015 / 02:09 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The Vatican’s nine communications offices will soon be consolidated under the authority of the newly-established Secretariat for Communications, per a Saturday directive of Pope Francis.

The Roman Pontiff instituted the new secretariat with a motu proprio titled The current communication context, promulgated June 27.  The letter states that the new management body will take effect June 29.

Pope exhorts future Vatican diplomats to bring Christ's face to the world

Vatican City, Jun 25, 2015 / 05:15 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis told the graduating class of Holy See ambassadors on Thursday that their main mission is to be Christ’s representatives to the world.

“It is not possible to represent someone without reflecting their features, without evoking their face,” he said June 25 at the Vatican's Consistory Hall.

What does the face of Christ look like in the world? Truth and love, the Holy Father said.

For Archbishop Chaput, Vatican synod, Philly family meeting providentially linked

Vatican City, Jun 25, 2015 / 03:31 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia sees a providential link between September’s World Meeting of Families and October’s Synod on the Family. As a participant in both, he says the fresh experience from Philadelphia will be on his mind as he enters the Vatican Synod hall mere weeks later.

"I’m blessed with the opportunity of going to the Synod, and (the World Meeting of Families) is certainly going to impact me," Archbishop Chaput told CNA June 25.
