Vatican News

Pope Francis will hear confessions on Friday at St. Peter's

Vatican City, Mar 2, 2016 / 02:46 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The office of Pontifical Liturgical Celebrations has announced that Pope Francis will hear confessions from the faithful at St. Peter’s Basilica on Friday, March 4.

At 5:00 p.m., the Holy Father will preside over the Rite of Reconciliation with individual confession and absolution of penitents, the Vatican office said.

Pope Francis: The Church doesn't need 'dirty money'

Vatican City, Mar 2, 2016 / 10:37 am (CNA/EWTN News).- On Wednesday, Pope Francis issued a harsh condemnation of those who exploit others and then donate to the Church, telling them their “dirty money” isn’t wanted.

Taking his cue from the first chapter of the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, Pope Francis said March 2 that God doesn’t like “the blood of bulls and lambs, especially if the offering is done with hands dirty with the blood of their brothers.”

Pope to Oriental Orthodox leader: Ecumenism of martyrs calls us to unity

Vatican City, Feb 29, 2016 / 01:04 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Today's martyrs have become “the seed of Christian unity,” Pope Francis said Monday during an audience with the leader of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and his delegation.

“The ecumenism of the martyrs is a summons to us, here and now, to advance on the path to ever greater unity,” the Pope said at the Feb. 29 meeting at the Vatican with Abune Mathias, Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox.

Cardinal Pell: I was not a part of Church's 'indefensible' cover up

Vatican City, Feb 29, 2016 / 09:48 am (CNA/EWTN News).- On the first day of his video testimony to Australia's Royal Commission investigating institutional responses to child sex abuse cases, Cardinal George Pell said that while the Church has made “enormous mistakes” in the handling of abuse cases, he had no role in covering them up.

“Let me just say this as an initial clarification: I'm not here to defend the indefensible,” Cardinal Pell said during the hearing.

Pope Francis prayed at Vatican employee's coffin before meeting new president of Argentina

Vatican City, Feb 27, 2016 / 10:04 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Before meeting with the president of Argentina Saturday, Pope Francis stopped by the funeral of Miriam Wuolou, a Vatican employee who died last week along with her unborn child, to pray and leave a bouquet of white roses.

“Before the celebration the Holy Father went into the church to stand in prayer and in memory of the deceased, demonstrating his affection and his respect,” Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi SJ said Feb. 27. 

Is a Catholic concept of mercy at the heart of true Islam?

Vatican City, Feb 27, 2016 / 09:23 am (CNA).- Professor Saeed Khan, an expert in Islam, has said that mercy is central to the Muslim faith – a mercy with roots in Catholicism and which is opposed to the misguided, fundamentalist interpretations of some extremist groups. 

Mercy is “the core of Islam,” Saeed Khan told CNA in a Feb. 25 interview, adding that the Muslim concept of mercy “is actually an expansion of Catholic notions of mercy.”
