Vatican News

Full transcript of Pope Francis' inflight interview from Philadelphia to Rome

Vatican City, Sep 28, 2015 / 08:31 am (CNA/EWTN News).- In a 47 minute Q&A with journalists on his way back to Rome Pope Francis touched on sensitive topics such as forgiving abusers and conscientious objection, as well as the upcoming synod of bishops and women’s ordination.

The Pope answered 11 questions posed in English, Spanish and Italian Sept. 27 while on board his American Airlines overnight flight from Philadelphia to Rome.

I can forgive an abuser, but understand those who can't, Pope says

Vatican City, Sep 28, 2015 / 05:14 am (CNA/EWTN News).- In his wide-ranging press briefing en route from the United States to Rome, Pope Francis spoke on the difficult subject of forgiving priests who have molested minors, saying that the strength to forgive, and to be forgiven, can only come from God.

Francis also told journalists that while he is willing to forgive clergy who have abused children and young people, he understands why there are some who find this difficult.

Pope: Communion for divorced, remarried isn't the only synod issue

Vatican City, Sep 28, 2015 / 04:03 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis told journalists on board his flight to Rome that giving communion to divorced and remarried Catholics is a “simplistic” solution to the issue, and stressed that there are also other problems that need to be discussed.
“(It) seems a bit simplistic to me to say that the synod, that the solution for these people is that they can receive communion. That's not the only solution (asked for).”

‘God cries’ for victims of abuse, Pope says after meeting survivors

Philadelphia, Pa., Sep 27, 2015 / 07:53 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis this morning met with survivors of sexual abuse during his visit to Philadelphia, and told bishops afterward that the evil acts can no longer remain in silence, and promised his personal vigilance in protecting minors.

“The stories of suffering and pain of minors who were sexually abused by priests have aggravated my heart,” Pope Francis told bishops participating in the World Meeting of Families Sept. 27.

Pope Francis gifts Fidel Castro with copy of 'Laudato Si'

Havana, Cuba, Sep 20, 2015 / 12:40 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The Vatican has confirmed that Pope Francis and former Cuban president Fidel Castro held a brief meeting after Sunday Mass and the Angelus today.

Pope Francis, accompanied by a few other Vatican representatives including Apostolic Nuncio to Cuba, Archbishop Giorgio Lingua, traveled to Fidel Castro’s home where the two talked about the environment and “the great problems of the contemporary world."

Colombian peace talks must not fail, Pope says during Cuba trip

Havana, Cuba, Sep 20, 2015 / 10:40 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis prayed for the ongoing negotiations between FARC rebels and the Colombian government happening in Cuba right now saying that “another failure” is not an option.


“Please, we do not have the right to allow ourselves yet another failure on this path of peace and reconciliation,” he said following the Sept. 20 Sunday Angelus in Revolution Square.


Surprise of heading Vatican Observatory reminds astronomer of God's providence

Vatican City, Sep 19, 2015 / 05:30 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Brother Guy Consolmagno, S.J. has spent more than 20 years – the majority of his life as a Jesuit – as an astronomer and planetary scientist at the Vatican Observatory. Now he’s taking the helm as its director.

“I honestly did not expect the job, I completely didn’t, and I was surprised that most of the people in the observatory were telling me they were supporting me to be the new director,” Br. Consolmagno told CNA Sept. 18.

Pope deeply moved by plight of Vatican-housed refugee family

Aboard the papal plane, Sep 19, 2015 / 04:56 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- As he began his 10-day trip to Cuba and the United States, Pope Francis was seen off by a Syrian refugee family the Vatican is now housing through one of its parishes. The Pope described himself shortly after as “very moved.”

“You could see the pain in their faces,” Pope Francis told journalists aboard the flight with him en route to Havana, Cuba on Sept. 19. They bade him farewell as he left the Vatican through St. Anne’s gate.

Education and play are key to childhood, Pope tells Cuba, US youth

Vatican City, Sep 19, 2015 / 11:56 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The U.S. embargo on Cuba, education, care of the environment, war, and peace were all themes touched on by Pope Francis in a satellite television conference with youth from Havana and New York Thursday.

Ten youth participated in the Sept. 17 event, five of whom were students from New York, and five students from different schools in the Cuban capital of Havana.

Iceland's new bishop inherits a turbulent, fascinating Catholic history

Vatican City, Sep 19, 2015 / 06:03 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The Vatican announced Friday that Pope Francis has appointed Fr. David Tencer, O.F.M. Cap., as bishop of Reykjavik, Iceland.

Born in Nova Bana, Slovakia in 1963, Bishop-elect Fr. Tencer was ordained a priest in 1986 and transferred to Iceland in 2004, where he served as the vicar of Stella Maris in Reykjavik, and is currently pastor of the parish of St. Þórlákur (Thorlak) in Reyðarfjörður.
