Vatican News

Amid coronavirus isolation, Catholics are united in Christ, Pope Francis says

Vatican City, Mar 15, 2020 / 06:18 am (CNA).- As many Catholics are unable to attend Mass or gather because of the coronavirus pandemic, Pope Francis recalled the Church’s spiritual communion as the Body of Christ, united in prayer.

“In this pandemic situation, in which we find ourselves living more or less isolated, we are invited to rediscover and deepen the value of the communion which unites all members of the Church,” Pope Francis said March 15.

Amid coronavirus pandemic, pope's Easter liturgies closed to public

Vatican City, Mar 14, 2020 / 04:56 pm (CNA).- Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Pope Francis’ liturgies for Holy Week and Easter, which usually include the presence of thousands of people, will be held without public attendance this year.

According to an online notice from the Prefecture of the Papal Household, “because of the current global public health emergency, all the Liturgical Celebrations of Holy Week will take place without the physical presence of the faithful.”

Pope Francis prays for families stuck at home during coronavirus outbreak

Vatican City, Mar 14, 2020 / 04:54 am (CNA).- Pope Francis offered his daily Mass on Saturday for families who must adjust to life with everyone at home, that they may stay peaceful and joyful during the coronavirus pandemic.

“We continue to pray for sick people in this pandemic,” the pope said before the start of Mass March 14, adding that he would also like to say a special prayer for families.

Rome's churches closed, then opened again. What happened?

Vatican City, Mar 13, 2020 / 01:47 pm (CNA).- Less than one day after the Diocese of Rome closed all Roman churches to the public, the cardinal who oversees the diocese reversed himself, saying he would leave that decision to parish pastors.

Both announcements came amid deliberations between Pope Francis and Cardinal Angelo De Donatis, the vicar general of Rome, who oversees the day-to-day operations of a diocese whose bishop is Pope Francis.

Pope Francis prays for pastors: 'Drastic measures are not always good'

Vatican City, Mar 13, 2020 / 05:03 am (CNA).- Pope Francis offered his Mass on Friday for pastors, that they might discern well the proper measures to take to protect their parishioners during the coronavirus crisis without leaving them feeling abandoned.

“May the Lord give [pastors] the strength and also the ability to choose the best means to help,” the pope said at the beginning of Mass March 13.

“Drastic measures are not always good,” he added.

Vatican offices to remain open amid coronavirus lockdown

Vatican City, Mar 12, 2020 / 07:03 am (CNA).- Amid the coronavirus pandemic, Vatican City State offices and dicasteries of the Holy See will remain open and working, with additional precautions and the possibility to work from home in some cases, the Vatican said Thursday.

A March 12 statement said “it has been established that the dicasteries and entities of the Holy See and of the Vatican City State remain open to ensure essential services to the Universal Church.”

'Prayer is our strength': Cardinal Turkson's message during coronavirus pandemic

Vatican City, Mar 11, 2020 / 11:19 am (CNA).- Cardinal Peter Turkson sent a message Wednesday encouraging Catholics to see the sacrifices required to slow the spread of coronavirus as a chance to deepen their relationships with God and their neighbors.

“Prayer is our strength, prayer is our resource. Here then is the favorable moment to rediscover the fatherhood of God and our being children,” Turkson said in the March 11 message.

Pope Francis: Humanity needs Christ's justice

Vatican City, Mar 11, 2020 / 05:01 am (CNA).- Pope Francis said Wednesday Catholics must spread the Gospel to a world which hungers and thirsts for the justice of Jesus Christ.

Speaking via livestream, the pope said March 11 that in the heart of every person, “even the most corrupt and far from good person,” there is “always the thirst for truth and good, which is the thirst for God.”
