Vatican News

Pope Francis to discuss 'Veritatis Gaudium' in Naples

Vatican City, Feb 11, 2019 / 06:49 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The Vatican announced Monday that Pope Francis will travel to Naples in June to discuss the impact of the apostolic constitution, Veritatis Gaudium, on theological studies.

In Naples, the pope will give a speech June 21 on “Theology after Veritatis Gaudium in the context of the Mediterranean,” before taking part in a private meeting on the same topic organized by the San Luigi Papal Theological Seminary of Southern Italy.

Pope Francis highlights virtue of justice in healthy society

Vatican City, Feb 10, 2019 / 08:15 pm (CNA).- Pope Francis on Saturday called on Italian judges to better society through their work, emphasizing the virtue of justice in building a healthy public life.

“We live in a context afflicted by tensions and ruptures, which risk weakening the social fabric itself and weaken the civic awareness of many,” he said, warning that claims about rights are frequently disconnected from a sense of duties.

Pope Francis: Pray with St. Bakhita for the end of human trafficking

Vatican City, Feb 10, 2019 / 04:10 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis called Sunday for an end to human trafficking, encouraging Catholics to pray for the intercession of St. Josephine Bakhita, the patron of trafficking victims.

“We all can and must collaborate by denouncing the cases of exploitation and slavery of men, women, and children. Prayer is the force that sustains our common commitment,” Pope Francis said after the Angelus prayer Feb. 10.

Analysis: Archbishop McCarrick, Bishop Zanchetta, Pope Francis, and the Vatican abuse summit

Denver, Colo., Feb 8, 2019 / 05:43 pm (CNA).- A long-awaited summit on sexual abuse will take place at the Vatican two weeks from now.

The meeting was announced in September, in the months after allegations of sexual abuse and coercion on the part of Archbishop Theodore McCarrick became public, and just weeks after Pope Francis himself was accused by former apostolic nuncio Archbishop Carlo Vigano of failing to adequately respond to information he had purportedly been given about McCarrick.

Vatican clarifies pope’s comments on sexual abuse of women religious

Vatican City, Feb 6, 2019 / 11:34 am (CNA).- The Vatican clarified Wednesday Pope Francis’ comments on the sexual abuse of women religious made during his in-flight press conference returning from Abu Dhabi Feb. 5.

“When the Holy Father, referring to the dissolution of a Congregation, spoke of 'sexual slavery,’ he meant 'manipulation,’ a form of abuse of power that is also reflected in sexual abuse,” Holy See Press Office Interim Director Alessandro Gisotti said Feb. 6.
