Vatican News

Pope Francis on Pentecost: 'Christian life unravels' without the Holy Spirit

Vatican City, Jun 9, 2019 / 03:29 am (CNA).- Without the gifts of the Holy Spirit, Christians lack that which animates them and gives them internal life and harmony, Pope Francis said on Pentecost.    

“Without the Spirit, our Christian life unravels, lacking the love that brings everything together,” Pope Francis said at Mass in St. Peter’s Square June 9.

Pope: The Church is a home you can always return to

Vatican City, Jun 8, 2019 / 11:01 am (CNA).- Pope Francis said Saturday he wants people to recognize the Church as their home and a place where they are always welcome.

"How I wish," he said June 8, that people would recognize the Church "for this more than mercy, for this more than humanity and tenderness, of which there is so much need!"

That "you would feel at home, the 'maternal home' where you are always welcome and where you can always come back," he said.

'Witnesses of freedom and mercy' - Pope Francis remembers bishops martyred under Communism

Vatican City, Jun 5, 2019 / 03:29 am (CNA).- Pope Francis Wednesday reflected upon his recent apostolic visit to Romania, where he beatified seven Greek-Catholic bishops martyred under Soviet occupation.

The pope said June 5 that the beatified bishops were “witnesses to the freedom and mercy that comes from the Gospel.”

Pope Francis says he draws strength from relationship with Benedict XVI

Rome, Italy, Jun 2, 2019 / 12:30 pm (CNA).- Pope Francis said Sunday that his relationship with Benedict XVI gives him strength and reminds him of the living tradition of the Church.

“When I hear him speak, I become strong. I hear this story of the Church,” Pope Francis said of Benedict in an in-flight press conference June 2.

Speaking aboard the papal flight returning from Romania, Francis said that each time he visits the pope emeritus, he feels more like family.

Pope Francis celebrates Mass at Transylvania’s Marian pilgrimage shrine

Șumuleu-Ciuc, Romania, Jun 1, 2019 / 04:04 am (CNA).- Pope Francis celebrated Mass Saturday at a 16th century Marian pilgrimage site in Transylvania, calling upon the Romanians and Hungarians present to “journey together” as a pilgrim people.

“To go on pilgrimage … means leaving behind our security and comfort and setting out for a new land that the Lord wants to give us,” Pope Francis said in his homily June 1.
