Vatican News

Pope Francis: The Trinity is saving love for a broken world

Vatican City, Jun 7, 2020 / 05:16 am (CNA).- The Holy Trinity is saving love in a world filled with corruption, evil, and the sinfulness of men and women, Pope Francis said Sunday.

In his weekly address before the Angelus prayer June 7, the pope said though God created a good and beautiful world, after the fall “the world is marked by evil and corruption.”

“We men and women are sinners, all of us,” he continued, speaking from a window overlooking St. Peter’s Square.

Pope Francis calls Catholic students to gratitude, and community

CNA Staff, Jun 6, 2020 / 08:00 am (CNA).- Pope Francis on Friday told students that in times of crisis, community is key to overcoming fear.

“Crises, if they are not well accompanied, are dangerous, because one can become disoriented. And the advice of the wise, even for small personal, marital, and social crises: ‘never go into crisis alone, go in company.’”

Vatican officials arrest London property broker for extortion and money laundering

CNA Staff, Jun 5, 2020 / 02:21 pm (CNA).- The Holy See press office announced Friday that Italian businessman Gianluigi Torzi has been arrested after he was interrogated as part of a Vatican financial investigation.

Torzi played a crucial role in the controversial purchase of a London property development by the Secretariat of State.

Cardinal Farrell laments ideological divide in Christian response to George Floyd killing

Vatican City, Jun 5, 2020 / 12:40 pm (CNA).- In response to racism, the Catholic Church should be united in Christ, not take ideological sides, Cardinal Kevin Farrell said at a prayer service for George Floyd in Rome on Friday.

“When the Church makes the words of the Gospel resound, she wants to be faithful to Jesus, but she does not want to take one side against another,” Farrell said during the service June 5.

Vatican cardinal: Catholics should be sign of unity in a divided society

Vatican City, Jun 5, 2020 / 11:15 am (CNA).- The Catholic Church cannot be an authentic witness to unity in diversity if it only mirrors the divisions found in society, Cardinal Kurt Koch said Friday.

Koch told CNA June 5: “The Second Vatican Council in its constitution about the Church says that the Church is the sacrament of salvation, the sacrament of unity, and how we can demonstrate this beautiful sign of unity in the Church when we are divided?”

Pope Francis tells Catholic youth: Live the Gospel like St. Anthony

Vatican City, Jun 5, 2020 / 08:15 am (CNA).- Pope Francis has pointed to St. Anthony of Padua as an example for younger generations of Catholics to “live the Gospel courageously.”

“Eight hundred years ago in Coimbra, a young regular Augustinian … learned of the martyrdom of five Franciscans, killed on account of the Christian faith in Morocco on January 16 of that same year, and he decided to change his life,” Pope Francis wrote in a letter published June 3 on the Franciscan Order’s website. 
